Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Well to start with the title tells you the general outline of this piece of blog. Though staying in Pune is good fun and it synonymous with a gala time, there are no free lunches in this world (cheap ones exist though). So our time for some worthwhile work hath come. THE EXAMINATIONS. This test of our knowledge and skills or the lack of it, Iam certain poses as much of a challenge to the examiners if not more than what it throws at us. So anyway the hustle and bustle of Pune had all of a sudden become quiet for us, with most of us glued to our books and bound by the suddenly high walls of CME. However we got a breather or rather a pre-cursor to our freedom. The extended weekend gave my friends and me the liberty to take an evening off. So after a lot of deliberations and arguements and some good fellas leaving for Durga Puja, we the not so good guys decided to hit a lounge by the name of Kiva. The first to arrive were the three of us and the multitude x 2 (read couples) left us wondering whether we had made the right choice. A drink had hardly gone in when my phone rang for the first time ina series of endless calls to come. Two more guys had decided to join us there. So from the table for three we had to be shift to a table for five, space being a premium. And yes there was also a giant screen showing the Indian cricket team in all its misery. More liqour followed (i could have replaced folllowed with flowed). Several drinks several phone calls and after shifting our table twice we were thirteen guys in all. And instead of a terrible situation which stared me in the face when i entered which would have been being surrounded bu couples and not knowing where to look during their coochie-cooing, it was they who were looking at us now. A boisterous crowd of thirteen singing with the music real loud cheering for a boundary raising toasts trojan style, drinking fire shots and a few sober guys trying to calm down the others. After all the drinks and more of them suddenly a plate of food appeared from nowhere on the table. Apparently some guys were sober enough and hungry enough to order food. So after the food when we did manage to amble outside the general opinion was to go anywhere but our rooms, which as I see in hindsight was wisely put down by the sober wisemen (also popularly called by us as the uncles). The bikes were then revved up with the usual drunk dialogues of "i'll drive..i drive very well after drinking" and the more indian "bhai pe bharosa nahin hai kya". So after the melodrama and the 'great drivers' and the 'bharosas' we finally managed to get to our rooms. The next morning was for discussing the drama of the previous night which the lesser spoken about is better.

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