The story started off in Vasu's as i like to call it, what a place that was. I was casually drinking tea and having a garam when this guy, till that moment a total stranger walks upto me and asks if I am from the same battalion as he in IMA. I answer in the affirmative and thus starts a friendship which i hope even time can't weather away and weaken and i firmly believe that it won't. We realise that we are just what each other is looking for, a friend without boundaries of course, seniority-juniority, and all that jazz. Over the next six months we develop a relationship and a bond that far surpasses the one shared even by brothers.
We spend almost the entire day either talking to each other and the evenings with each other, at times partying at times brooding but in each others' company nevertheless. We realise what the so-called divine connection really is. I can now vouch that it really does exist.
The next six months pass in a blur and we realise that it's time for us to temperorily part ways. It was as painful a thing as I had ever known. But helpless in the situation we did part ways, but the connection remains till date and i pray that it remains the same, unadulterated, pure and true forever. I have written someting on my blog after a long time because i have felt this way after a very long time. And as any regular reader of my blog would've realised this is the first time i've written about someone other than me and my experiences. This piece of literature (if at all it can be called that) isn't about me. It's for someone who is as close to my heart as the closest person i know today. Brother this is for you. Love you.